Friday, March 06, 2009

8 Things Friday

1. How do I keep ending up writing this so late? *Sigh*

2. Went out for dinner and a chick-flick with a friend from work tonight. :) We'd never really socialized "alone together" before this, and it was nice! He's Just Not That Into You was better than I thought it would be. It made me simultaneously want to punch Matt just on general principal, because the world is full of stupid, crappy men, and hug him, because he's usually not one of them. Let me just say that I am SO glad not to be in the world of dating!

3. The enchiladas I made the other night turned out quite well, I think!


I just use mix from a packet (to which you add water and tomato sauce) for the sauce, so no big deal. But instead of cooking the chicken in the oven wrapped up in tin foil with chicken broth and spices, I cooked it in the crock pot with the same allll day. When I had Matt check it to see if it was done (I was at the store when it was time), he said it just fell apart when he poked it with the knife. Mmmm! Tortillas wrapped around shredded chicken (a leeeetle dry, but I'll continue to perfect the other ingredients and the cooking time), grated cheese, and black beans. Then sauce and more cheese. Yum!

4. I cleaned The Office of Doom a bit more yesterday, and got the table cleared off to the point that I was actually able to sew on it! A while back, I'd grabbed the wrong pattern to make myself PJ pants out of cute pink roses and skulls flannel... and it wouldn't fit over my butt. I couldn't pull them up all the way. DANG IT. So I thought, "Who is tiny, and likes pink and skulls?" and thought of my friend, Megan's, little sister. I finally finished those yesterday, and got them all packaged up to drop by her house soonish. I also started something else which I can't tell you about yet. But first! I had to DUST everything.


How sad is that?? Poor, neglected little sewing machine. I'm sorry, baby, I won't let it happen again.

5. My application for the education program is due in a week, but I think all I have to do is write my "letter of intent" type thing, and go to the sheriff's office to do my fingerprint card. (The state keeps it on file to make sure they don't hire sex offenders or whatever as public school teachers.) Eeeek, it's getting close!

6. I just did a Google search, then went to to make sure I spelled sheriff right. I'm still not sure I did. That looks so weird! What kind of stupid word ends with two Fs??

7. Concerning my last post about the interesting things: I saw them all while driving, and therefore could not take pictures of them. My camera phone takes waaaaaaaaay too long to load the camera thingy, the pictures would've turned out horribly, and it's probably kind of dangerous to shoot photos while driving. Sorry. And yes, Mom, I'll bet I do have much in common with the girl in the tulle skirt and black knee-high boots. I'm kind of inspired to make a floaty tulle skirt myself, now, and maybe wear it with those funky black vinyl boots with the straps. :D

8. An intersting thing I saw today was a Storm Trooper and Kevin Smith standing on the corner in front of a small shopping center with a sign reading "(Such-and-such) Comic Store." That made my afternoon.


sarahgrace said...

Off,off is a word that ends with two F's. ;-)
The enchiladas look really yummy. I've found a real yummy recipe for vegetarian ones, and also if you're in a pinch, Hatch's enchilada sauce is really good!

Making Megan said...

Yay! My sis will love the pjs! Can't wait to see you next week!
(The enchaladas looked delicious. . . I have to go eat something now.)