Yesterday before work, I packed up a couple little projects, a loaf of banana bread, and my sewing machine to take over to a friend's house for a morning of sewing. I succeeded in removing the pocket and sleeves from an XL men's shirt, then pinning one side of it so it would be Heather-sized, but I never got my machine out of the car, nor did I do any sewing on Jen's machine. I went home before work to unload all my stuff and eat lunch. I realized when I put my sewing machine back on the table in the office that I hadn't seen the cord and pedal I'd unplugged and wrapped up when I was getting ready to go.
I searched the bags I'd taken. I searched the office, the living room, and the kitchen, in case I'd set it down and never brought it to Jen's in the first place. I searched the car. I called Jen to see if I'd left it on her kitchen table when I unpacked my bags. I took everything out of the little case where I'd put my scissors and pincushion and fabric. I hunted through all the junk on the kitchen table again. I looked under and around everything in the office.
I CAN'T FIND IT. And I can't use my sewing machine unless it's plugged into the wall and has a pedal to make it go.
A black hole has eaten my sewing machine cord, and just when I'd gotten started sewing again, too!
:( That sucks big time :( When you do find it (and please let us know when you do) ....
Is a really really simple quilt along you can join :) It'll be up for a while and she has aaaaawesome color discussions, just go pack a couple of posts!
Oh no!! what a bummer! Hope the black hole spits them back out soon!
Have you checke in the morass of computer cords and adapters? Come on, I know you have them, everybody has them....
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