Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bridal Shower

Finally, here are the pictures of Megan's shower.

I downloaded the funky font from, and did all the invitations myself.

The obligatory Megan and Heather pose, holding the camera out with one hand. We have so many of these from various events. :)

Megan and three of the four bridesmaids! That's me on the far left (in my wrap pants!), then Megan's sister, Lisa, Megan herself, and her youngest sister Becca. The fourth bridesmaid is the groom's little sister who lives in Washington state and, clearly, could not come to the shower. (I got Megan a grass skirt and "coconut" bra to wear over her dress, something we did for another luau-themed shower I did a couple of years ago.)

Yum! The cake was a yellow cake with crushed pineapple in it, a layer of vanilla pudding, and a layer of whipped cream sprinkled with walnuts and coconut. Fruit kebabs and yogurt-y fruit dip. Cucumber sandwiches on the little pedastal thing. Not pictured is the punch in my grandma's pretty punch bowl that I borrowed.

One of the little games we played went like this: I passed around rolls of crepe paper streamers in the wedding colours and told everyone to take "however much you think you'll need," but didn't tell them what it was for. Plenty of scrutiny went into the measurements! After everyone had a strip of each colour, I told them we were making flowers for the rehearsal bouquet! I passed out green pipe cleaners and everyone went at it. Turned out very cute, I think.

The other "game" was to make Megan a wedding dress out of toilet paper! Fun fun.

I can't believe the wedding is less than a month away, now! Augh! But we can do it!

Anyone have any great games/snacks/anything for the bachelorette party? :D

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